Our Purpose and Principles

Introducing our new purpose and principles

In September 2017 about 400 of us took part in workshops to help create a new set of purpose and principles (what we do and why we do it) for our business.

We agreed that we needed something new to explain how our role is changing alongside our customers' needs. We used to keep the lights on, now we keep life running with the introduction of entertainment, the internet, electric cars, smart homes, and customers increasingly adopting their own generation and storage of power.

With energy usage and our environment drastically changing, we need to keep pace with the change. Adapting our purpose and principles to align to this change and demand, will set us in good stride for an innovative future.

Our purpose

'Together we have the energy to transform our communities'.

The words captured in our purpose were the most popular across all our workshops. Through our new purpose our principles must follow, support and describe the ways that we should behave every day to bring our purpose to life.

Our principles

We are switched on to our colleagues, customers and the world around us.  

  • We are attuned to their needs and deliver for them;
  • We are responsive and do whatever it takes to get the job done safely;
  • We are always looking for ways to build trust.

We are adaptable, always looking for better ways to get things done.

  • When we're faced with a challenge, we find a solution;
  • We embrace change and make the most of it;
  • We innovate to improve things for the future.

We take pride in all we do because it matters to people's lives.

  • We do the best we can in all our work, big and small;
  • We all embrace the sense of responsibility we feel to our communities;
  • We know people rely on us. We can all make a difference.

Now we've agreed the new purpose and principles, the work begins on working together to bring them to life, within our business and everyday work.